The Organizing Committee: Cyborg Pop


Over a course break from my Applied Cybernetics masters — during the pandemic year — I was given two months of uninterrupted time, paired with an inability to leave my student apartment on the otherwise empty campus of the Australian National University.

To make the most of my time, I began to extend my tinkering with algorithms to generate music, which had been my end-of-term project (and is included as the final track. I set myself a goal to create some kind of cyborg pop music, bringing together my own musical influences and to reflect my winter reading list, which included a variety of cybernetic and critical/analytic theory texts. As I watched social unrest unfurl across the United States from an empty perch in Canberra, the music took on a bit of a manifesto vibe, and The Organizing Committee suddenly found its weird mission.

I’ve written more than you could ever want to know about this record and this process here.

Or, just check out the music at one of the sites below.

Eryk Salvaggio